Why Our Work Matters


Our Legislative Priorities

To support our North Star, we work to ensure a policy landscape that promotes every single kid having access to a high-quality, free public education and is not limited in opportunity to achieve their dreams. We work with our local elected leaders, community stakeholders, and national partners to advocate for policies and practices that enable great schools and students to thrive.

Our 2023 legislative priorities all worked in service of our North Star:

AB 241 – Putting Kids on the Path to Jobs

multiple backpacks stored on a hanging rack

Enrolling high school students automatically into the College and Career Readiness diploma track, rather than the standard diploma track for graduation, will provide an additional level of coursework that better prepares students for college and/or career. It will help ensure students transition from high school to their next step with a greater foundation for success. A 2023 survey found that 91% of respondents agreed that “every student should graduate from a Nevada high school with a diploma that ensures they are prepared for the workforce.”

Student Tailored Enrollment Plan (STEP)

kids in graduation gowns walking through a outside school hallway

With STEP, students are able to attend the public school of their choice instead of being assigned to a school based on where they live. This will ensure every kid has access to a great school that fits their needs. STEP will empower families to select the best school for their kids. In a 2023 poll, 86% of respondents approved giving parents the option “to send their children to the public school they feel is best for their child, even if it is outside their neighborhood.”

Addressing Teacher Shortages

Reforming teaching licensure requirements and creating alternate pathways for leadership and teacher apprenticeship will pave the way for prepared, supported, and fully staffed schools ready to facilitate student success. We are part of a coalition supporting policies and practices that support these strategies.

Public School Funding Consistency

Ensure every public school has access to the same funding sources including for facilities and transportation. Additionally, the state’s funding formula for education should address disparities facing charter schools in special education funding and the implementation of the Pupil Centered Funding Plan. These changes will ensure Nevada’s per pupil funding follows the student.

School Board Governance Reform

Student-focused leadership is critical to ensuring every kid has the opportunity for a high-quality education, and aligned with our Good Governance lever. State and local education board members should have the expertise, training, and tools necessary to lead great schools and align with a kid-focused approach to education.

Legislative Resources

2024 General Election Voter Guide

Learn more about the 2024 General Election candidates for Clark County School District, Washoe County School District, and State Board of Education.


2024 Voter Guide

group of business people chatting in a work place hallway

In election years, we provide voter guides for local school board races to help inform voters about their local elected school leaders, their beliefs, and their vision for their role in education. Access the 2024 General Election Voter Guide in English and Spanish below.

I Stand With Kids

I Stand With Kids website screenshot

The easiest way for you to get the latest information and participate in kid-focused advocacy meaningful to you is to join the I Stand With Kids pledge. Post on social media, talk to your friends and family, testify at bill hearings, and more – activations are based on how you want to engage. Take the step and stand with kids!

Flip The Script

Multi-ethnic group of young men and women studying indoors.

Elevating student voice in conversations about education is critical. Our Flip the Script livestream events give local high school students the opportunity to ask questions to school board candidates on topics important to them, like safety, start times, mentorship, and more.

Charter School FAQs

young boy in uniform smiling at the camera

This document directly addresses questions about public charter school authorization and operation in Nevada. Learn more about schools in Nevada, recruitment, talent, governance, charter school autonomy, and everything to know to about the conditions for success operating a charter school.