Washoe Candidates - District A
Stephanie Flores

Q&A with Stephanie Flores
Why are you running for WCSD Trustee? What is your vision of success for this role?
As we began our foster care journey, we found that crowded classrooms, over worked (and under paid) teachers, the lack of student support, and violence on campuses was having a detrimental effect on the children who have come live in our home. I thought to myself, this is it, this is my chance to make a real difference!
As a foster parent and nurse, I have the unique ability to look outside the box. Unlike those who are past or present teachers or school board members, I have an outside perspective. My experience as an emergency room nurse has taught me to listen to and understand people and their concerns. It has led me to be slow to judgment and methodical and rational in a crisis. I have had the opportunity to partner with people of every color, race, and creed. This has taught me the strength in embracing our differences and working together to serve our community.
How do you define student success? What experience do you have and what role do you intend to play in advocating for student success?
To me student success is defined as each student reaching their full academic potential. This will be different for every child. For some students learning their letter sounds happens in 4th grade, for others they come into pre-k reading. As a school board trustee, I intend to advocate for an expansion of special education resources including special education teachers. I also intend to advocate funding lower class sizes to allow teachers the ability to spend more time with children who are at higher risk of not meeting benchmarks.
On the 2022 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), fourth-grade students, in Nevada, scored 6 points lower in math and 7 points lower in reading when compared to 2019. If elected, how can you use your position to ensure Nevada stops following this national trend and starts leading the way for student outcomes?
Again, I would address the declining literacy and mathematics rates by working to expand the special education department and implementing homework. I believe one of the ways we can help parents support their children at home is getting them involved with what is happening in the classroom. Homework is a hot topic but I think it empowers the parents and students to have a vested interest in what is being taught in the classroom.
What, if any, barriers currently exist to educational excellence and equity for every student? If elected to the Board of Trustees, how will you help eliminate these barriers?
I think the main barriers to educational excellence lie in unsafe schools and chronic truancy. Teachers and students are being bullied and assaulted and some Washoe schools have chronic truancy ratings of above 60%. As a Trustee I would work with work with Washoe Schools Police to increase SRO presence. I would also address chronic truancy by exploring a program called B.A.R.R.. B.A.R.R. is a “strengths-based educational system that provides schools with a comprehensive approach to meeting the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students through the power of data and relationships.”
What do you believe are the top three most persistent challenges facing the WCSD Board of Trustees? What is an example of a bold approach you would propose to address one of those challenges?
Transparency- I believe we need to invite parents and guardians into our schools. Our students will thrive best from allowing more parental involvement. This would also allow the parents to support the teachers as well!
Budget- I believe in balanced budgets. I believe we need to cut excess spending to endure every taxpayer dime is used in a fiscally responsible way.
Super Intendent Search- Public Comment. I believe the Super Intendent search should be open to public comment BEFORE the Board of Trustees narrows down the candidates. I think the submitted resumes should be made public (with private information redacted) so that the community can reflect on who they find is a good candidate.
Research suggests that more than 50% of a board meeting should be focused on student outcomes. How would you ensure the board allocates this amount of time to student outcomes?
Unfortunately, that is not up to me as a Trustee. President Smith is ultimately responsible for what the Board of Trustees can discuss. However, at any point where there are issues on the agenda related to student outcomes I will make a motion to speak on them in public forum.
If elected to the Board, how would you approach challenging conversations and/or criticisms that might arise from fellow Board members, stakeholders, and the broader community?
Kindness. We can all use a little more kindness in our lives. My grandmother told me when I was young, “It takes all kinds of kinds to make a world Stephanie, everyone knows something you don’t know.”
What key indicators would you use to assess the performance of WCSD’s Superintendent? How would you hold the Superintendent accountable?
As a trustee I would monitor school attendance, testing outcomes and schools safety. If there is points to be addressed I would follow the protocols in place to address these areas that need improvement.
In a recent survey, 77% of Nevada residents agreed that parents should be able to send their children to the public school they feel is best for their child, even if it is outside of their neighborhood. Do you agree? Please explain your reasoning.
Yes, I agree. The reason I agree is that ultimately these students are a parent’s child and they should have the ability to place their kids in schools that provide the best schooling for their children.
The following question was submitted by a current public high school student: How will you ensure students are put at the forefront of the decision making process as a member of the Board of Trustees, and what accountability measures would you put in place to make sure this happens?
Dear Student,
Firstly I want to say the fact that you are getting involved and even know that there is a school board puts you heads above the rest. Keep staying involved, I know an involved eloquent young person like you can make a difference!
As a trustee I would say that our entire job is to keep you and your fellow classmates the priority. However, often many things that are addressed in a school board meeting seem really far off from student issues. As I look back to my teen years I realize there were many things my mom talked about like internet, water, and sewage that I felt had nothing to do with me. It turns out though, I use the internet, water and I am very happen when they are all running well. While some mundane things seem not to be student issues I can assure you they all are building blocks to provide you with an environment conducive to learning and cultivation your success.
Thanks for the great question!