CCSD Candidates – District E
Kamilah Bywaters

Q&A with Kamilah Bywaters
Why are you running for CCSD Trustee? What is your vision of success for this role?
I am running for CCSD Trustee due to my passion for education, instilled by my father’s emphasis on its importance. With a Bachelor’s in Psychology, Masters in Education, and a Masters in Divinity, and nearing completion of a Ph.D. in Special Education, I bring a comprehensive background to the role. I aim to ensure that CCSD delivers a high-quality education to all students, while also advocating for keeping taxpayer dollars within our state. My vision for success entails fostering a positive climate and culture within schools that honor the humanity of all stakeholders, including students, families, educators, administrators, and the broader community. I envision improvements in student achievement and expanded opportunities for post-graduation success and civic engagement. Additionally, I advocate for equitable compensation for teachers and support staff, commensurate with their education, expertise, and dedication to students and communities.
How do you define student success? What experience do you have and what role do you intend to play in advocating for student success?
As a licensed special education teacher, I view student success from both an individual and collective perspective. I define student success as students making progress and improvements across various areas: academic achievement, personal growth and development, career readiness, civic engagement, well-being, critical thinking, and productive citizenship. My educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Science in Psychology, Masters in Education in Special Education, Masters in Divinity, and I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. in special education. Within the CCSD, I am an active advocate, supporting students, their families, teachers, support staff, administrators, and the wider community. You can find evidence of my advocacy work in public comments within the CCSD and through a simple Google search of my name, showcasing my dedication to students. Moving forward, I am committed to continuing my advocacy efforts for students and remaining steadfast in doing what is best for their well-being and success.
On the 2022 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), fourth-grade students, in Nevada, scored 6 points lower in math and 7 points lower in reading when compared to 2019. If elected, how can you use your position to ensure Nevada stops following this national trend and starts leading the way for student outcomes?
As a researcher, I prioritize making academic decisions based on data. This includes using evidence-based curricula materials and intervention strategies to enhance student learning outcomes. It’s crucial that these resources have a proven track record of success. Additionally, providing teachers, specialists, and support staff with the necessary tools is essential for effectively meeting students’ academic needs.
What, if any, barriers currently exist to educational excellence and equity for every student? If elected to the Board of Trustees, how will you help eliminate these barriers?
There are several barriers that need addressing, including a shortage of licensed teachers in classrooms, a lack of diversity among teachers and administrators, inequitable distribution of resources and facilities across schools, and uneven access to technology. As an advocate, I will take specific actions to eliminate these barriers:
Teacher Support: I will promote increases in teacher salaries to ensure we retain current educators and attract new talent.
Diversity in Leadership & Teacher Pipeline: I will support initiatives that increase the number of leaders from minoritized communities through pathways to leadership. Additionally, continuously supporting universities that are increasing minority teachers in the field.
Equitable Facilities: I will advocate for fair distribution of resources and facilities across all schools in the district, ensuring every student has access to quality learning environments.
Technology Access: I will push for all schools to have access to advanced technology that enhances the learning experience, regardless of their location or socioeconomic status.
What do you believe are the top three most persistent challenges facing the CCSD Board of Trustees? What is an example of a bold approach you would propose to address one of those challenges?
The board currently faces three key challenges:
- Lack of informed oversight regarding the Superintendent’s management of the district.
- Internal conflicts hinder meaningful progress.
- Ineffective collaboration with the Council of Great City Schools.
To address these issues boldly, I propose a comprehensive review, evaluation, and update of all governance policies. This initiative aims to prioritize the best interests of the students.
In January four appointed members were added to the Board of Trustees. How will you leverage the expertise of these appointed members to best serve students? Do you think the appointed members should be voting members?
I eagerly anticipate collaborating with the appointed Trustee members. As an advocate who frequently attends school board meetings, I have found their input to be incredibly valuable and essential for the board’s work. The appointed members have effectively addressed the concerns of both the educational and broader community. Currently, I believe that the appointed members should not vote at this time, as voters elected their Trustees to represent them. However, should the law change, I would willingly comply with it.
Research suggests that more than 50% of a board meeting should be focused on student outcomes. How would you ensure the board allocates this amount of time to student outcomes?
The board operates based on majority voting. I hope that voters will pay attention to candidates who align with their values and possess a deep understanding of district matters. With competent and informed candidates elected, I envision a cohesive board that prioritizes student outcomes in at least 50% of its meetings.
Should the board, for any reason, veer away from this goal due to a majority vote, I will advocate and collaborate with those in opposition. I’ll also engage with community leaders and members to champion what’s best for students. Transparency will be crucial. I will ensure the public is informed about our challenges and why we are not achieving our objectives, fostering openness about the issues hindering our focus on student outcomes.
If elected to the Board, how would you approach challenging conversations and/or criticisms that might arise from fellow Board members, stakeholders, and the broader community?
As an advocate deeply committed to supporting students, families, teachers, support staff, administrators, and the wider community, I’ve spent countless hours engaging in challenging conversations and receiving criticism. I embrace these discussions and have had many with school district leadership. This work often requires discomfort and demands the ability to navigate challenges while remaining open to diverse perspectives and new ideas.
My dad taught me to take criticisms with a ‘grain of salt,’ meaning, not to let them dishearten me but to take what is valuable and move forward confidently in my mission. I welcome constructive criticism, and strive to ensure all parties concerns are heard and valued.
I anticipate collaborating with individuals who bring forward ideas that propel our district forward.
What key indicators would you use to assess the performance of CCSD’s Superintendent? How would you hold the Superintendent accountable?
Key indicators for assessing the Superintendent’s performance include: student academic achievement, financial management, adherence to district policies, teacher retention, equity and diversity initiatives, fostering a positive culture and climate, as well as effective collaboration with both our local community and state leaders. To ensure accountability and transparency, I strongly advocate for implementing regular performance reviews of the Superintendent. Additionally, I believe it’s essential to have scheduled meetings with the Superintendent where updates on their actions and decisions are discussed in relation to the board’s vision and mission, ultimately aiming to achieve our collective goals for the betterment of our students and educational community.
In a recent survey, 77% of Nevada residents agreed that parents should be able to send their children to the public school they feel is best for their child, even if it is outside of their neighborhood. Do you agree? Please explain your reasoning.
Students and their families have the opportunity to enroll in CCSD-sponsored charter schools and magnet programs within the district, even if these options are outside their assigned school boundaries. This choice is currently available, and I firmly support parents’ rights to make decisions they deem best for their children’s education. The district already provides these options, acknowledging the diverse needs and preferences within our community.
The following question was submitted by a current public high school student: How will you ensure students are put at the forefront of the decision making process as a member of the Board of Trustees, and what accountability measures would you put in place to make sure this happens?
I think it would be a great idea to have a student representative actively involved in decision-making processes within the district. Whether this role is formalized as a student “Trustee” or through a student committee, it would significantly contribute to centering, valuing, and actively engaging student voices in effecting change. Implementing such a student initiative could be set as a goal for both the board and the superintendent, ensuring accountability and demonstrating our commitment to prioritizing student perspectives and participation in shaping their educational experience.