How We Work


Collaborating can ensure college and career readiness for every Nevada student.

We engage with families, educators, education leaders, and community stakeholders in service of more kids graduating from high school college and career ready. Change in education does not happen through one organization alone; rather, it is a collaborative effort bringing together different people, teams, and representatives from across our communities to bring forward ideas, solutions, and conversations that will impact every kid in Nevada.

I Stand With Kids

I Stand With Kids website screenshot

Join the pledge to participate in advocating for better student outcomes in a way that is meaningful to you. Post on social media, speak with your legislators, or sign up just to receive our monthly newsletter with the latest news from Nevada and around the U.S. on how we can all stand together to improve student outcomes.

LEED Fellowship

individual raises hand in a meeting

An 18-month fellowship opportunity for those who aren’t in the education sector but want to enact change. Participants gain a understanding of systemic issues, confront challenges in our education system, and embark on a capstone project that addresses a topic in education important to them.

Family Power Impact Grant

group of adults gathered at a table conversing with each other

We’re thrilled to have awarded the inaugural Family Power Impact Grant to four exceptional organizations that share our commitment to family and student empowerment. Our grant is aimed at fostering greater family involvement and ensuring their voices are heard in education decisions.

Community Partnerships

Teenage girl in classroom holding a robotic arm

We work with education organizations, schools, nonprofits, businesses, and a cadre of public and private partners to advance our North Star. If you are interested in partnering on advancing our North Star together through an event or joint communication, please reach out!

North Star Summit

group of people listening to a speaker in a conference setting

Our annual event takes place at the end of September and brings together community partners for an impactful half-day of meaningful conversations, next steps, and collaboration. Through these efforts, we work to propel education forward in our state, promoting positive change and improved outcomes for all students.