CCSD Candidates - District A

Karl Catarata

Q&A with Karl Catarata


Why are you running for CCSD Trustee? What is your vision of success for this role?

I’m running for CCSD Trustee to deliver tangible results for our community, provide valuable resources for our teachers, and enhance career and college readiness for our students.

My vision for success is straightforward: I will hold the next Superintendent accountable and set clear benchmarks for the CCSD School Board.

This election presents a crucial question for our community: What kind of school district do we want for the next four years? I aim to collaborate with voters to write a new chapter, build on our achievements, and address the real challenges facing our schools with effective solutions.


How do you define student success? What experience do you have and what role do you intend to play in advocating for student success?

Student success to me is ensuring that our students have the resources and tools necessary to be successful throughout K-12 and in their personal lives. I was a student not too long ago – in fact, eight years ago when I graduated from Valley High School’s International Baccalaureate program. The experience that I have is two fold: one, being fortunate enough to be able to communicate with resource counselors and teachers on what I need to be successful and two, having to fight for scholarships, resources, and opportunities. I know first-hand the determination that students need to have in order to fight for scholarships and resources, and I see every day how District A families want to make sure their children have a bright future post-senior year in college.

My role, when elected Trustee this January, is to be a true partner and advocate for student success. That means utilizing my role to create public-private partnerships with the Superintendent’s team and our nonprofit and business community. Additionally, to enhance financial resources, after-school volunteer activities, and social support resources for our students and their families. My role is to see a vision, measure the community and political will around it, and deliver for District A families. With my experience in public service, I am best equipped to be able to successfully deliver results to improve student success in the district.


If elected to the Board, how would you approach challenging conversations and/or criticisms that might arise from fellow Board members, stakeholders, and the broader community?

Because of my 10+ years working in local, state, and federal government, along with my experience working with and for volunteer nonprofit boards and commissions, I have found that community input and healthy criticism is the basis of a well-functioning board. I approach challenging conversations and criticisms that may arise from fellow board members, community stakeholders, parents, educators, and Nevadans with kindness, compassion, professionalism, and respectful austerity.

The National Association of Independent Schools (“Independent Ideas: Navigate Difficult Conversations as a School Leader”, Levinson, M., 2024 Feb. 26) notes that “establishing trust” and “recognizing value” are important tools when engaging with our community. I will be steadfast in welcoming unique perspectives when I am elected.

I am a big believer in the mantra: “iron sharpens iron”, and that dissenting opinions can either solidify our rationale, or open our perspective to something that is uniquely different. As a full-time non-profit professional working in the civil rights space, I understand that having different perspectives are beneficial towards making progress.

I will actively encourage persistent feedback from the non-profit, business, education community on a monthly and quarterly basis. Further, I will be an accountable public servant that gets our community the answers in a professional, timely, and responsible way that is accessible to all Nevadans. When I am elected this January, I intend to lead with this approach on day one. Nevadans can trust they will have a school member that leads with this different style of leadership.


 In 2023, the U.S. Department of Education identified three key areas of importance for improving student achievement: addressing chronic absenteeism, providing high-dosage tutoring, and providing summer and expanded/after school learning programs. Do you agree? If so, how would you work with the Superintendent to prioritize these areas? If not, what key areas would you identify and how would you work with the Superintendent to prioritize those key areas?

I completely agree and would collaborate closely with my fellow school board Trustees to ensure the Superintendent prioritizes these three critical areas.

According to the Clark County School District, the chronic absenteeism rate for the 2022-2023 school year was 36 percent. It’s imperative that we reduce this rate and hold the district accountable for lowering the number of chronically absent students. By electing leaders with proven experience, we can achieve meaningful results. I aim to earn voters’ trust by leveraging my experience in both local and state government. To enhance student achievement, the district must collaborate with public safety officials, educational and municipal resources, and expand after-school programs with local non-profit organizations who are already doing this work. I plan to bring my practical experience to the school board to effectively improve student success and achievement.


A nationwide study conducted by TNTP found that students received a passing grade on 71% of their assignments–with more than half of those students receiving an A or B. However, only 17% of those same students demonstrated grade-level mastery on their assignments. How can Nevada schools make sure that the grades students receive in the classroom demonstrate grade-level mastery of the material? How can you support this change from the position you are seeking? 

To ensure that grades accurately reflect grade-level mastery, I would work with the Superintendent’s team, educational advocates, and actively engage with the community to support this change. It’s crucial to align grading practices with clear academic standards and implement consistent assessments that truly measure students’ understanding of the material.

In my role as a Trustee, I would advocate for a review of grading policies, promote professional development for educators on effective assessment strategies, and facilitate open dialogues with educators and parents to ensure we are meeting the educational needs of our students. By fostering collaboration and accountability, we can drive meaningful improvements in how student mastery is assessed and reported so that our students can be successful in and out of the classroom.


If elected, it is possible that there will be a new superintendent in place when you take office. The current Board of Trustees sent out a survey to the public to get input on the qualities the new superintendent should possess. The following is one of the questions from that survey. Please select four qualities from the list and explain why you have prioritized those qualities:

I would like the new Superintendent to (select only four):

  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of educational research and emerging best practices and implement strategies;
  • Effectively plan and manage the long-term financial health of CCSD; Provide guidance for district-wide curriculum and instruction;
  • Be an effective manager of CCSD’s day-to-day operations;
  • Recruit, employ, and retain effective personnel throughout CCSD and its schools;
  • Foster a positive, professional climate of mutual trust and respect among faculty, staff, and administrators;
  • Provide transparent communication;
  • Understand and be sensitive to the needs of a diverse student population;
  • Establish a culture of high expectations for all students and personnel;
  • Provide a clear, compelling vision for the future;
  • Integrate personalized educational opportunities into the instructional program;
  • Be visible throughout CCSD and actively engaged in community life.

I appreciate the CCSD Board of Trustees for conducting a survey, but there is always more to be done to engage the community through grassroots town halls, roundtables, coffee meetings, and virtual events. If given the opportunity, I would focus on the following four priorities for selecting a Superintendent:

  1. Demonstrate a deep understanding of educational research and emerging best practices and implement strategies;
  2. Be an effective manager of CCSD’s day-to-day operations;
  3. Recruit, employ, and retain effective personnel throughout CCSD and its schools;
  4. Establish a culture of high expectations for all students and personnel

There isn’t a single “right or wrong” answer, but a Superintendent should be knowledgeable about current administrative trends, excel in both communication and management, and maintain high standards for students, staff, and the community. We must demand excellence from our next Superintendent, and as a Trustee, I am dedicated to holding them accountable and ensuring the needs of District A families and students are prioritized by the new administration.

This brings to mind the question I pose to voters: What kind of school district do we want for our children?

I am committed to holding the next Superintendent accountable and building a district that serves every student effectively. Together, I hope to win this race to reach our goals and start a new chapter for the district.

Thank you, Opportunity 180, for your time and attention to our local races. Thank you for taking the time to read my responses. – KC