The Ed-Watch series is designed to increase access to information on what decisions
are being made regarding public education in Clark County and Nevada.
Nevada State Board of Education
What is the State Board of Education & what are they responsible for? The Nevada State Board of Education adopts regulations based on Nevada laws, which are passed down to individual school districts in Nevada to implement. The Board has 11 total (7 appointed and 4 publicly elected) members.
How often does the State Board meet? The Nevada State Board of Education meets once per month on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM or 2:00 PM. Click here to see the 2022 Board Meeting Schedule. Click here to visit Hope For Nevada’s #NVEd Calendar.
Can community members engage at State Board Meetings? A time for public comment is provided at the beginning (for agenda items) and at the conclusion (on any matter) of each Board meeting. Members of the public may provide public comment in writing via email; public comment will be accepted via email for the duration of the meeting and shared with the State Board of Education during the public comment periods. Public comment may be emailed to NVBoardED@doe.nv.gov.
Click here for a list of all State Board Members.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Nevada State Board of Education Meeting
Click here to see the regular SBOE meeting agenda.
Click here to watch the meeting playback.
What happened at the regular meeting?
Public Comment #1
- Restorative justice practices
President’s Report
Highlights included:
- Introducing new board member Angela Orr, principal of Doral Academy in Northern Nevada
- Board member updates: Member Cantu presented to the Commission on School Funding on workforce programs.
Superintendent’s Report
Highlights included:
- Nevada Future of Learning Network Convening taking place October 13-14 at Spring Valley High School; the event showcased students and featured discussions with educator stakeholders on the Portrait of a Learner initiative.
- School visits in Elko and Humboldt Counties
- Availability of 2023-24 Career Technical Education Course Catalog on the Department’s website
Board Approved the Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items included:
- Approval of several dual credit requests
- Approval of Nevada Pre-K standards
- Approval of 2024 State Board Meeting Calendar
Review the consent agenda.
Board Reviewed of Nevada Educator Performance Framework Yearly Data and Approved Scholarship Awards
The purpose of the Teach Nevada Scholarship is to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in an educator preparation program at a university, college, or other provider of an alternative route to licensure. Scholarships may be awarded at 75% of the cost of the program (including tuition, registration, and mandatory fees).
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, 514 applications for the program were received, and 391 were granted (at a rate of 76.1%), and a total cost of $4.9 million. Available award funds are $6.1 million (including an additional Interim Finance Committee [IFC] funding item), and the total requested is $6.1 million. The Board approved the Teach Nevada Scholarship awards with no reductions, pending the IFC work program funding.
The Board also reviewed the Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching (IPT) request. IPT provides scholarships and stipends to students enrolled in a traditional pathway educator preparation program at a college or university, who are pursuing initial educator licensure. The anticipated total to be allocated is $7.9 million (including additional funding with the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation [DETR]). The Board approved the IPT awards with no reductions, pending the additional DETR funding.
Finally, the Board reviewed the Nevada Teacher Advancement Scholarship (NTAS) program, which provides scholarships to in-service educators pursuing a master’s degree in education or education-related field at a State college or university. The NTAS allocation is $1.5 million, and requests total $1.58 million. The Board approved reducing the number of recipients by 5.5%, or to a total of $1.497 million.
Explore the presentation and the Annual Report on the Teach Nevada Scholarship Program for FY 2023.
Board Reviewed the Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) Annual Data
The Board reviewed a summary of the NEPF summative evaluation data from the 2022-23 school year, as well as data from Monitoring for Continuous Improvement surveys and interview. See below for the overview of the ratings:
Staff also reviewed the NEPF ratings with the class size adjustment and ratings by standard. The majority of teachers are rated as effective and highly effective; most administrators are rated as effective or highly effective.
Discussion around displaying student outcomes alongside these ratings, implementation surveys, and trends over time took place.
Explore the presentation.
Board Discussed Changes to the School Improvement Designations and the Current Status of Schools
The Board reviewed a summary of the State’s lowest performing schools and the designations in each category.
Changes were made to the Targeted Support and Intervention (TSI), Additional Targeted Support and Intervention (ATSI), Comprehensive Support and Intervention (CSI), and More Rigorous Intervention (MRI) schools. Criteria have been streamlined and changes were made to align state benchmarks and goals, streamline education agencies’ ability to create a focused support system, and ensure that education agencies can implement funding levels in an efficient manner. This is the first year that schools are being identified in need of MRI.
There are 302 designated schools: 38 MRI; 36 CSI; 197 ATSI; and 31 TSI.
Interventions include conducting needs analyses; identify strategies and create actions to address root causes; monitoring implementation and progress; implementing professional learning connected to action steps; implementing Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) school-wide; and utilizing professional learning into daily instruction.
Explore the presentation.
Board Discussed Discipline Data and Restorative Justice
The Board received a summary of 2023 legislation relating to student discipline: Assembly Bill (AB) 330 and AB 285, which made changes to age requirements for suspensions, expulsions, permanent expulsion, temporary alternative placement, and the appeal process. The legislation also addresses the collection and reporting of discipline data.
Staff also reviewed discipline data from the 2022-23 school year, including expulsions and suspensions by race/ethnicity and different student groups. Expulsions and suspensions disproportionately impact Black and Hispanic students, as well as students receiving free or reduced lunch. School climate data shows slight declines in the perception of physical and emotional safety, relationships, and cultural and linguistic competence from Fall 2021 – Fall 2022. New standards for school climate have been set and will be incorporated in the 2023-24 school year reports. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) have been deployed in 200+ schools, including Tier 1 support for all students, Tier 2 targeted intervention for students at risk, and Tier 3 individualized support for students who demonstrate the highest need.
Explore the presentation.
Board Discussed Statewide Plan for the Improvement of Pupils (STIP)
Staff reviewed an update on the STIP, which was developed in 2020 with six goals, six values, and 36 strategies. A 2023 addendum addressed challenges related to ownership of outcomes, focusing on success value and strategies, and the Department committing to identifying available supports. The goal is to “improve programmatic and fiscal opportunities to advance student achievement outcomes and cultivate educator effectiveness.” Next steps will be for the Department to develop purpose statements and actions with defined metrics at every level.
In October and November 2023, office and division meetings for 2020 STIP information will be held. A purpose statement, actions, and metrics will be developed from November 2023 – January 2024, and stakeholder input and draft development will take place from January – February 2024. The final addendum from the 2020 STIP and the introduction of the 2024 STIP will be presented in March 2024.
Explore the presentation.
Board Conducted a Public Hearing Regarding the Perkins V State Plan Revision
Perkins V funds career and technical education (CTE) to districts, schools, and other educational agencies. The 2024 allocation for Perkins V funds for eligible education agencies is $12.8 million. State plan revisions include revision of goals that are well-defined, have accountability measures, and hold stakeholders accountable; revision and addition of performance indicators; and collaboration between districts, community colleges, and regional workforce development boards. The Plan will focus on three areas:
- High-quality CTE programs of study, aligned to high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand occupations
- Systematic approach to ensure access for all students to career career pathways (PreK-16)
- Ensure employers have a pipeline of skilled talent.
Secondary performance indicators include four-year graduation rates; academic proficiency in English Language Arts, Math, and Science; post-program placement; non-traditional program concentration; and attained postsecondary credits. Postsecondary performance indicators include postsecondary placement; earned recognized postsecondary credentials; and nontraditional program concentration. New performance indicators to consider include attained recognized postsecondary credentials and participation in work-based learning. Additional quality indicators include work-based learning and industry recognized credentials.
The state plan was drafted in October, and this hearing is the second required by the U.S. Department of Education. A public comment period will take place between December 2023 and February 2024.
Explore the presentation.
Board Discussed Future Agenda Items
Suggestions for future agenda items include Read by Grade 3 cut scores, restorative justice follow-ups, NEPF data analysis support, and event planning for recognition and award ceremonies. December’s meeting will also include presentations from school districts. A request was also made for the Commission on School Funding to present to the Board in the future.
Public Comment #2
- Concerns regarding class sizes
- Improving success rates for special student populations in CTE programs
- Concerns regarding school start times shifting
- Support for shifting school start times
The next Board of Education meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, December 6, at 2:00 p.m.