The Ed-Watch series is designed to increase access to information on what decisions
are being made regarding public education in Clark County and Nevada.
What is the Board of Trustees & what are they responsible for? The CCSD Trustees are publicly elected decision-makers for the school district. They are responsible for providing oversight to the Superintendent and establishing District-wide policy. Trustees are accountable to work with their communities to improve student achievement.
Click here to learn more and see a list of current Trustees
Click here to find your Trustee District
How often does the Board of Trustees meet? Trustees meet twice per month (second and fourth Thursdays) at 5 pm both virtually and at the Edward A. Greer Education Center Board Room (2832 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89121).
Click here for a full list of Trustees meetings and agendas
Click here to visit Hope For Nevada’s #NVEd Calendar
Can community members engage at Trustee meetings? Decision-making bodies benefit greatly from hearing public input and multiple perspectives. Currently, members of the public can submit comments on agenda and non-agenda items through email or voice recording. Public comment can be provided in person, via email, or via voice recording. Email comments should be submitted to Boardmtgcomments@nv.ccsd.net. To submit a voice recording on items listed on the meeting agenda, call 702-799-1166. Voice recorded public comment is limited to 1 minute 30 seconds.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Clark County School District Board of Trustees Meeting
Click here to see the meeting agenda.
Watch the meeting playback on CCSD EduVision.
What happened at this meeting?
Trustees Approved the Consent Agenda (6-0)
Consent Agenda Highlights:
- Grant application for ARP ESSER funds for strengthening college and career readiness programs
- Grant application and notice of sub-award to implement the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Reopening Schools Program
- Unified personnel employment and licensed personnel employment
- Several grant applications relating to police services
Explore consent agenda items here.
Trustees Received a Presentation on Focus: 2024 Indicators and Results
Trustees received a presentation on student achievement as it relates to Focus: 2024 indicators and results. Highlights included:
- A reminder of previous reports given and statement regarding a gap in 2020-2021 school year, when this report was waived due to the COVID pandemic, as well as the context that goals for 2021-2022 were set prior to COVID pandemic and not modified.
- With an understanding that students are still recovering from the learning losses from the pandemic, most of the achievement goals were not met in the current measured year.
- Rates of proficiency do seem to be improving since the 2020-2021 year and are comparable to national trends.
- Targets were not met for English Language Arts Proficiency across all age groups.
- Proficiency results in mathematics for grades 3-5 showed a sharper rebound year over year, but targets were not met and student outcome levels still did not reach those in 2018-2019.
- No grade band met proficiency rates in Mathematics.
- Science proficiency was also not met in each grade band. However, middle school science represents the highest proficiency rate at 30.3%.
- Challenges included high faculty and staff vacancies and student/staff absences due to the ongoing pandemic recovery.
Explore the presentation.
Trustees Conducted a Public Hearing on and Approved the New Memorandum of Agreement between CCSD and the Education Support Employee Association Regarding Increases in Pay and Training for Specialized Programs Teachers’ Assistants (6-0)
Trustees held a public hearing on and approved an increase in pay and training for Specialized Programs Teachers’ Assistants III and IV within the approved Memorandum of Agreement between CCSD and ESEA. The total fiscal impact of these changes is $600,000.
Explore the Memorandum and fiscal impacts summary.
Trustees Conducted a Public Hearing on and Approved the New Memorandum of Agreement between CCSD and the Clark County Association of School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees Regarding Extra Pay for a Twelve-Month Administrator with Additional Responsibilities (6-0)
Trustees held a public hearing on and approved extra pay for a twelve-month administrator who will be on-call for CCSD’s Connection Line program from August 2022 until the program is no longer needed or funding is no longer available. The total fiscal impact of these changes is $5,289.
Explore the Memorandum and fiscal impacts summary.
Trustees Discussed and Approved a Notice of Intent for Regulation 2130 – District Organization (6-0)
Trustees discussed and approved a Notice of Intent regarding Regulation 2130, pertaining to district reorganization.
Staff reviewed changes to the regulation, including the appeals process, clarifying the SOT role in hiring, usage of carryforward dollars, requiring the Superintendent to monitor use of carryforward dollars, and the dispute resolution process.
Changes that triggered the second notice of intent include waiting to include language that may be directed by the Legislature, as well as language regarding the formation of SOTs at school sites with inconsistent enrollees or small schools.
Trustees acknowledged adjustments will still need to be made to this policy and reiterated the importance of meeting State Board requirements and deadlines.
Explore the Notice of Intent.
Trustees Discussed and Approved its Platform for the 2023 Legislative Session
Trustees discussed and approved its legislative platform. Previously, Trustees voted to advance two BDRs, one related to recruiting and retaining teachers, and one that would establish standards and qualifications for education-related oversight boards.
Staff outlined legislative priorities that would be supported, opposed, or planned as neutral. Topics under the umbrella of “Support” include Student Learning (acceleration of student learning, fully funding the Pupil Centered Funding Plan based on recommendations from the Commission on School Funding); Workforce (allowing union/trades representatives to teach classes specific to their trades, and allowing professionals to teach classes specific to their profession without a teaching license); and Mental Health, Health, and School Safety (updates to bullying statutes, updating sex education statutes, and funding for critical equipment/systems).
Trustees added items to the Student Learning section regarding examining student assessments in more depth and exploring removing unnecessary tasks for schools and classrooms (including some reporting). The Workforce section passed as is, as well as the Mental Health, Health, and School Safety section.
Trustees approved a new section in the Neutral stance, Governance and Transparency, and moved the audit of CCSD finances including ESSER funds (originally under the Neutral stance) to Support; added bullet points for state infrastructure within the Nevada Department of Education and potentially auditing other education entities throughout the state. Trustees also added an item under Student Learning to support ensure additional state-level support, including funding, for students with IEPs.
Trustees also approved the items outlined in the Oppose section, including efforts to reconstitute the organization of large school districts, unfunded mandates, and measures that undermine the acceleration of student learning in schools.
Explore the 2023 Legislative Platform.
Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
Members of the public shared comments on this item regarding:
- Guest teacher trainings and pay scale
- Matching salaries
- Bullying
- Support staff hiring and rehiring processes
- Staffing at Centennial High School
- College and career readiness
- Teachers’ health insurance
- Special education student safety and academic concerns
The next Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for October 27, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.