The Ed-Watch series is designed to increase access to information on what decisions
are being made regarding public education in Clark County and Nevada.
State Public Charter School Authority (SPCSA)
What is the SPCSA & what are they responsible for? Considered one of Nevada’s school districts, the SPCSA sponsors and oversees public charter schools. The Authority consists of seven appointed members responsible for overseeing educational and operational standards and holding sponsored schools accountable to the academic achievement of students.
How often does the SPCSA Board meet? The SPCSA typically meets once a month, generally on Fridays.
Click here for SPCSA meeting schedule and materials.
Can community members engage at SPCSA Board Meetings? While all meetings of the SPCSA are typically held publicly at the Nevada Department of Education building in Carson City and the Nevada Department of Education building in Las Vegas (1st floor boardroom), all meetings are now held virtually due to the COVID-19 crisis. Members of the public may view the meeting online via the link on the SPCSA’s Public Notice web page and the agenda and any supporting materials can be found here. Public comment may be given on any agenda item at the beginning of the meeting, or public comment regarding any matter that is SPCSA-related may be given at the conclusion of each Board meeting. Members of the community giving public comment can utilize the following conference call line: 1-312-584-2401; extension 3952176# with a time limit of three minutes per speaker. Alternatively, public comment may be submitted in writing to publiccomment@spcsa.nv.gov, and any such public comment received prior to the meeting will be provided to the Authority and included in the written minutes of the meeting.
Click here for a list of all SPCSA Members.
Click here for a list of all SPCSA sponsored schools.
Friday, November 15, 2024
State Public Charter School Authority Board Meeting
Access the meeting agenda and playback.
What happened at this meeting?
Public Comment
Public comment highlights included:
- Coral Academy’s Sandy Ridge campus receiving AP Honor Roll – Platinum and Access Levels of distinction, and achieving a U.S. News & World Report ranking
Board Approved the Consent Agenda
The consent agenda consisted of the approval of the October 4, 2024 board meeting minutes.
SPCSA Executive Director’s Report
Highlights from the report include:
- Schools Highlight: AP performance among SPCSA schools increased, with qualifying score performance increasing by 7.8% in the SPCSA portfolio. SPCSA schools had 47% of test takers identify as Black or Hispanic, vs. the statewide rate of 41%. SPCSA students earned quaifying scores on 57.7% of AP exams.
- Delinquent Schools PERS Contributions: All schools with delinquent PERS contributions have been approved for payment plans. Closed schools have PERS contributions as part of their closing plans.
- TEACH and Eagle Charter School closures: TEACH will begin the financial audit of the wind-down as soon as Vegas Vista Academy pays the school for furniture and equipment. Eagle will begin the financial audit of the wind-down as soon as the CSP receivable is resolved.
- Legislative session preview: Legislative session priorities for SPCSA include ensuring all charter school sponsors served as the Local Education Agency of the schools they sponsor; removing limitations or SPCSA board members regarding annual ratings of schools they may work at; enabling public charter schools to receive transportation via auxiliary service as traditional public schools do; and minor revisions to the charter school renewal process.
- Update on Open Meeting Law training and Performance Framework training: The SPCSA provided three opportunities to attend Open Meeting Law (OML) training in October. Schools with three or more OML concerns in the previous school year were required to participate. A best practices training will take place in early 2025.
- National Association of Charter School Authorizers 2024 Conference: Members of the staff and board attended this conference to gain insights and best practices, including those on evaluating founding teams, recent research in authorizing, expansion assessments, accountability, and mergers and acquisitions.
Explore the report.
Board Took Action on Contract Amendment Applications
Vegas Vista Academy’s request to relocate their facility to its permanent location during the summer, to open for the 2025-26 school year, was approved, with the condition that Vegas Vista Academy work with SPCSA staff to identify and complete pre-opening requirements that pertain to the occupation of the campus, located at 4660 North Rancho Dr.
Explore the recommendation memo.
Board Discussed the Draft of the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan
Staff presented a draft of the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan, based on the first round of stakeholder feedback with partners and school leaders. Staff reviewed demographics of the SPCSA school composition, as well as its core values. Goals for the strategic plan include:
- Provide communities with access to excellent schools students and families want to attend.
- Provide equitable access to charter schools.
- The SPCSA aims to be an effective organization.
Metrics were provided under each goal and are available to review at the link below. Strategies for achieving the goals of the strategic plan include proactive oversight, strategic growth, expanded support, and recognizing progress.
Key initiatives will be established each year for each of the three goals. A final plan will be presented for approval on December 13, during the regularly scheduled board meeting. Discussion ensued around establishing benchmarks around certain metrics and improving external communications to celebrate school successes and combat misinformation.
Explore the draft plan.
Board Received an Update on Academic Performance Ratings
SPCSA staff presented an overview of the 2023-24 Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) scores and star ratings, as issued by the Nevada Department of Education. Highlights included:
- There were 46 five-star schools in the SPCSA portfolio, or 34% of SPCSA schools. There were 26 four-star schools (18%), 29 three-star schools (21%), 16 two-star schools (12%), and 21 one-star schools (15%). Comparatively, 12% of statewide schools are five-star.
- Eight SPCSA schools increased their star rating by two stars; 23 increased by one star. There were 25 schools that decreased by one star, five schools decreased by two stars, and 71 schools observed no change.
- The schools that increased their star rating by two stars are: Coral Academy of Science Nellis Air Force Base Middle School, Legacy Cadence Middle School, Legacy Southwest Elementary School, Mater East Las Vegas Elementary School, Nevada Rise Elementary School, Pinecrest Cadence Middle School, SLAM Academy Middle School, and Somerset Lone Mountain Middle School.
- Five SPCSA schools have been identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools: Eagle Nevada, Sage Collegiate Elementary School, TEACH Las Vegas, and Beacon Academy High School. Note, Eagle Nevada and TEACH have closed. Additionally, Nevada Virtual Middle School was identified as a Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school. Nine additional schools were identified as Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) schools.
- For the Smarter Balanced Proficiency trends, the SPCSA schools outperform the state, but have been mixed in recent years.
- Generally, trends in the percent of students meeting growth targets are mixed over time.
Staff then presented an overview of the 2023-24 SPCSA Academic Performance Framework ratings.
- There were 54 schools identified as exceeding the standard (40%), 46 that met the standard (34%), 33 that did not meet the standard (24%), and three schools that were below the standard (2%).
The Board voted to adopt the 2023-24 SPCSA Academic Performance Framework results.
Explore the presentation.
Board Heard a Final Update on the GEMS Closure
The final closure report for GEMS included a financial review and a summary on asset disposition. SPCSA’s audit shows that the closure of the school largely adhered to financial and asset management standards. Any outstanding concerns are being addressed by the trustee. SPCSA staff will, as needed, continue monitoring for any further developments.
Explore the report and the staff memo.
Board Approved the Removal of Prior Notices of Concern for Academic Performance
The Board approved the removal of prior notices of concern for Discovery Charter School – Sandhill’s elementary school, as they are now a three-star school under the NSPF and were rated as Meets the Standard under the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework, and Nevada Rise Academy’s elementary school, as they are now a three-star school under the NSPF and were rated as Meets the Standard under the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the memo for Discovery Charter School and for Nevada Rise Academy.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Concern to Young Women’s Leadership Academy of Nevada
The Board approved continuing a Notice of Concern to Young Women’s Leadership Academy’s middle school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved a Notice of Concern and a Notice of Breach to Battle Born Academy
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Breach to Battle Born Academy’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Battle Born Academy’s middle school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved a Notice of Breach to Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Breach to Coral Academy of Science’s Nellis Air Force Base campus’ elementary school, due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Notices of Concern to CIVICA Nevada Career & Collegiate Academy
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to CIVICA Nevada’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework. The Board also issued a Notice of Concern to CIVICA Nevada’s middle school due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved a Notice of Breach and a Notice of Concern to Democracy Prep Nevada
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Breach to Democracy Prep Nevada’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework. The Board also issued a Notice of Concern to Democracy Prep’s middle school due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved a Notice of Breach to Explore Academy
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Breach to Explore Academy’s middle school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Continuing a Notice of Breach to Freedom Classical Academy
The Board approved continuing a Notice of Breach to Freedom Classical Academy’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Breach to Honors Academy of Literature
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Breach to Honors Academy of Literature’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Breach to Imagine Schools at Mountain View
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Breach to Imagine School at Mountain View’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Concern to Learning Bridge Charter School
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Learning Bridge Charter School’s elementary school, due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Concern and a Notice of Breach, and Continuing a Notice of Breach, to Legacy Traditional Schools
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Legacy Traditional School’s North Valley campus middle school, due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework. The Board approved continuing a Notice of Breach for Legacy Traditional School’s North Valley campus elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework. The Board also issued a Notice of Breach to Legacy Traditional School’s Cadence campus elementary school, due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Concern to Mater Academy of Northern Nevada
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Mater Academy of Northern Nevada’s elementary school, due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Concern to Nevada Connections Academy
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Nevada Connections Academy’s high school, due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing Notices of Concern to Nevada Prep Charter School
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Nevada Prep’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework. The Board also approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Nevada Prep’s middle school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Concern to Nevada Virtual Academy
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Nevada Virtual Academy’s middle school, due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Concern to pilotED – Cactus Park Elementary
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to pilotED – Cactus Park Elementary’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Below Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Breach to Quest Preparatory Academy
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Breach to Quest Preparatory Academy’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing Notices of Concern to Sage Collegiate Public Charter School
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Sage Collegiate’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework. The Board also approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Sage Collegiate’s middle school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing a Notice of Breach to Silver Sands Montessori Charter School
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Breach to Silver Sands Montessori Charter School’s elementary school, due to its one-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Issuing Notices of Concern and Removing a Notice of Concern to Somerset Academy of Las Vegas
The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Somerset Academy’s Losee campus elementary school, due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework. The Board approved issuing a Notice of Concern to Somerset Academy’s Losee campus middle school, due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
The Board also approved removing a Notice of Concern for Somerset Academy’s North Las Vegas campus elementary school, due to its two-star rating and being rated Meets Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Board Approved Continuing a Notice of Concern to Sports Leadership & Management of Nevada
The Board approved continuing a Notice of Concern to Sports Leadership & Management’s elementary school, due to its two-star NSPF rating and being rated Does Not Meet Standard by the SPCSA Academic Performance Framework.
Explore the recommendation memo and the presentation.
Long-Range Calendar (next 3 months):
Agenda items over the next three SPCSA board meetings are anticipated to include:
- 2025 charter application and rubric
- Renewals
- Resubmitted charter applications
- 2025-2030 strategic plan
- 2025 demographic and academic needs assessment
- Annual report to the Department of Education
- CCSD charter applications – transfer sponsors
Explore the 2024 calendar and the 2025 calendar.
The next Meeting of the SPCSA Board is scheduled for Friday, December 13, at 9:00 a.m.